
WordPress Development: WordPress SEO Plug-In One Month Later

After a month of using the “WordPress SEO Plug-In” by Yoast, I am happy to say that we have had some very positive results. In this article, I just wanted to elaborate on why I think this plug-in does such a good job. Now let me just clarify, we have had some progress, but we have done a lot of work to achieve it. The positive results we have seen are subtle and gradual, but the effects we are noticing definitely reflect an improvement in SEO performance.

Packed with features, and they work!

When I first wrote on our blog that we were exploring this plug-in, I was a bit skeptical of how functional the features would be.

WordPress SEO by Yoast First Look (You can read the original post here)

Specifically, I was concerned that this new plug-in would be a repeat of many “too good to be true” SEO solutions that I have found around the web. WordPress SEO seems to be written with some very solid code. All of the features work beautifully, except for one which conflicts with some custom code we wrote for our site, but that one was our fault.

A method to the madness

WordPress SEO doesn’t do anything spectacular when you turn it on. On the contrary, there is lots of work to be done once you install this baby. Yoast says on his website that the key to SEO is hard work and constant improvement, trial and error, yada yada.

Work Hard, Play Hard!

WordPress SEO gives you an easy to follow method of making your site as good as it can be. Furthermore, once you take care of the basics, you can analyse your pages in-depth, and get recommendations on what to do next. Paying an outside SEO consultant for all of this information would cost an arm and a leg. What I am trying to say is that if your not a professional SEO specialist, you can still make some big improvements to your site without getting too technical. If you ARE technical though, you can go really deep and get some good results.

For my technical SEO’s out there make sure to read Yoast’s WordPress SEO definative guide, it really does a good job of explaining things that you can do with the plug-in.

Don’t Be a Stranger

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