
GSA Update 2019 – New Prices

Word Wizards, Inc. has officially completed our 2+ year journey to transition our GSA contract pricing to minute rates from page rates for our transcription services. We began this transition after changes to new versions of MS Office products made it apparent that “a page” is no longer a standard metric for service pricing. A page on one computer, could be shorter or longer on another depending on what software is used. When quoting a service project, page based transcription rates were always a challenge. Clients prefer to be given an exact rate, not an estimate with a range depending on the pages typed.

Updating GSA Prices

When your company is on GSA (the official vehicle to do business with the Federal Government,) you are required to give the most favorable pricing to your government clients who use GSA to purchase from you. That means your ability to discount services depending on project details, specs, requirements, and other factors is somewhat limited. This makes it tough for service based business like ourselves to compete because your lowest price is limited. Changing GSA prices is not rocket science, but it does take significant effort, resources, and time.

New Transcription, Captioning, and 508 Compliance prices

Now that we are officially done with our GSA contract update. Word Wizards is making adjustments to the prices for our non-government clients. Many of our rates are lower than before, helping us to remain competitive in an increasingly crowded marketplace. Please contact us for our latest prices and rates, same quality and customer service, new lower prices. Use our “Get A Quote” form to submit a request online or give us a call today for more information.