07 Jul Accessibility Tools – 7 Useful Apps for Disabled Individuals
Apple iPhone has set the bar high for mobile accessibility tools. Apple has committed their development to provide a fully accessible user experience to individuals with disabilities. In addition to the great built in tools provided by Apple, it app store offers additional tools that can further improve the mobile accessibility experience.
Get more Access out of iOS
The following apps were selected from the iOS app store as some of the most interesting and useful accessibility tools we could find. Some apps focus on visual accessibility, while some focus on auditory accessibility, some are just generally useful to persons with disabilities. Overall, the advent of mobile phone technology has changes the lives of the disabled community forever. We will continue providing these lists to help spread the word on some of the coolest accessibility tools hitting the app store.
The List – 7 Accessibility Apps
- Petralex Hearing Aid: This iOS app only requires a pair of headphones! It boasts an extremely user friendly interface where you can adjust your own personal profile to suit all of your hearing needs for your daily life.
- Magnifying Glass with Light: With this app you can swap through multiple modes such as Crystal Clear, High Contrast, and Image Stabilizer to help you zoom in on hard to read text.
- Patronus: Keep your friends and family up to date when you go out on adventures with this app that notifies them when you reach a destination safely. With interesting features such as On My Way, Request Help, and Instant Access you can easily send alerts if you need emergency assistance or a confirmation of arrival.
- Parking Mobility: This handy app searches for handicapped parking in your area via GPS; it also has the very handy feature of reporting handicap parking violations to the appropriate authorities.
- The ASL App: This is an instructional app which allows you to learn Sign Language through a very user friendly system incorporating not only the generic ABCs, but the basics and conversational ASL onward. This app also includes a very helpful save and review feature, further aiding you in your lessons!
- Subtitle Viewer: With this app you can watch your favorite television shows and movies in theater without having to worry about missing dialogue due to hearing or language impediments. This app allows you access to subtitles for tons of movies and shows in various languages.
- Convert Units: I personally found this app to be the most interesting (and useful) out of all previously mentioned, as it is not limited to only converting currency. It also converts area, computer data, fuel mileage, length, power, pressure, speed, temperature, time, volume, and weight! This app is extremely user friendly, and with over 155 world currencies updated daily this app is a very handy partner to have when traveling.
Send us your suggestions
If you think you know of an app that should make the list, let us know. We are always looking to host discussions and stir the pot of conversation. So don’t be shy, leave us a comment and let us know if this list helps you, or if you have ideas for the next list.