30 Dec Happy New Year: Get Ready for 2012
Another year for Word Wizards come and gone! It truly has been an incredible trip around the sun for our company. New employees, new office, new opportunities, NEW NEW NEW… Oh and don’t forget a new website too!
They say progress doesn’t come easy, and here we know this to be true. As the wide world continues to shrink, and the global economy dominates all aspects of business, the competitive environment has never been so intense. 2011 will be remembered as the dawn of a new age for this organization. We persevered the worst of the last three years of international economic hardship together, and with a little elbow grease, the Wizards are upgraded and ready for the future like never before.
So watch out 2012, Nostradamus couldn’t hope to predict what we are going to do next…

Happy New Year everyone, be safe and we will be here for you in 2012!