07 Feb Transcription Tech: A Salute To The Foot Pedal
When we first got into the transcription game, the technology of the foot pedal was top secret and complicated. In fact, we had to pay a private engineer to make our transcription foot pedal system to work properly in conjunction with our secret time code technology. Almost every component in the primordial transcription system was analog, and our competition still doesn’t know how we did it. (little do they know, it was magic! Remember, we’re wizards 🙂

Snap to the modern day and we find that foot pedal transcription systems are a dime a dozen, and can be bought cheaply off the shelf. Unfortunately, the innovation of controlling audio or video transcription software by foot pedal is vastly under appreciated. So today I just wanted to give a quick salute of appreciation to the the one that always works “under foot” and never seems to complain. We remind all of our fellow transciptionists that when foot pedals hit the scene, productivity increased to the point where this industry became a full time job.

If you don’t agree with me, just try to transcribe your next 5 hour job without one of these little wonders to help you. Manually pressing the play, pause, and rewind button reduces transcription productivity and efficiency by 50% or more! The transcription world will forever be in debt to the one who took this secret time saver and brought it to the masses. Now the only question is which one do you choose?